Hello, I need to make a heat shield for the side of the stove. I have a couch that I can only get 29" away from the side of the stove. I really can't move it any farther away as it is already blocking 1/2 of the door to my computer room. I would like the shield to be free standing that way in the summer I can take it to the basement. I have a piece of metal siding 3'X3' that I would like to use. My trouble is what can I make the frame out of? Can I just make the frame out of say 2x2 wood and mount the steel to it? If that would work do I need to space the metal away from the frame? I was thinking of the wood frame as I can round the corners so you don't have to worry about getting poked. I was thinking about painting the metal with black stove paint. Thanks for any thoughts.