I have a Whitfield Profile 30. Its run perfect for 3 seasons and this year has decided to act up. The stove was shutting itself down after about 15 to 30 minutes. After Weeks of going back and forth with Lennox (they have no idea what they are doing), I had finally fixed the stove on my own. I replaced the high temp switch, the photoeye, check the pressure switch. I ended up by passing each switch to see which one might be bad. Turns out the new high temp switch was bad. This is where things get interesting. I was about to unplug the stove for safety and unhook my bypass wires, I accidently touched and ground one of the wires against the stove blowing the 5 amp fuse on the control board. I replaced the fuse, but now the auger runs constantly dropping tons of pellets. I'm not sure if I damaged the control board or if I need to reset something. Lennox told me that the stove had to finish its program since it was "shutdown" in the middle of its cycle. The stove finished its cycle, but the auger is still running which it should not be. I dont want to purchase a new control board for $300 and find out thats not the issue. Does anyone have any ideas on what I can do to fix this?