Napoleon 1450 installed - with pics

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Minister of Fire
Hearth Supporter
Oct 21, 2009
Ottawa, Canada
We got the new Napoleon 1450 installed today and what a difference from the old NC16.

I did 3 full burns outside yesterday and this morning which got rid of a lot of the smell, but there's still quite a bit coming off it - which worries me a bit as we have large parrots upstairs, but so far so good with fans going and windows open. (We learned the hard way that expanding foam insulation off-gasses cyanide...)

Wow - what a difference. I love the large firebox - 4 good sized splits in there NS and room for 4 more.

Burns nice and hot - I'm sitting in front of it with a patio door behind me wide open in -12C weather and I'm toasty warm. Took a little while to get the flue temp up to about 800 (probe at 18" up) , then backed it down to running around 500-600 flue temp. Guess I'll have to get a stove top thermometer soon. Will probably drop it down to run around 400 for a while, just wanted to run it hot for a while to burn off any more residue. Blower is pretty quiet too.

Love the secondary burn - how cool is that! If I could paint flames like that on my Mustang it would be awesome

Here some pics of the new stove and the outside burn plus the flames from the secondaries. Even the pup likes it already!


  • [] Napoleon 1450 installed - with pics
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  • [] Napoleon 1450 installed - with pics
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  • [] Napoleon 1450 installed - with pics
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  • [] Napoleon 1450 installed - with pics
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Very nice stove. May you and your enjoy it in good health. Nice dog, looks like he is enjoying the warmth.
Looks great and the dog seems to appreciate the new stove too. Did the outside burn melt away all that snow? :)
BeGreen said:
Looks great and the dog seems to appreciate the new stove too. Did the outside burn melt away all that snow? :)

Nope, wish it had... Won't be seeing grass again until April.
So, we've been running the new stove now solid since Sunday afternoon and it seems to be running pretty good. I can get nice temps up to 700 on the stove top and up to 1000 in the flue. Been burning N/S all the time so far with the blower on high most of the time.

Two things seem to be going on though:

1) we are getting a LOT of coals and very little actual ash so far. I'm doing the standard throw in 2-4 splits, let 'em get nice and hot then close down the air about 1/2 way. Seem to get heat, but way more coal than I was expecting. I've tried the rake 'em to the front and use a small split to burn them down, but doing that I lose a lot of heat in the house.

2) The manual talks about the firebricks needing to "cure and dry out" for 40-50 hours under hot use (500-600 F). Could this be contributing to the large coal build up? My wood is dry - mostly maple and brich cut 2 yrs ago and split and stacked last fall - I get no hissing from any of it at all.

I'm sitting in front of it right now with the air wide open trying to burn them down some but it's taking a long time. I've been making a pile down the centre of the box NS and popping a small split on top to try to burn them down. Does it make sense to make the coal pile E/W at the front and put the small split EW? wojuld that burn them down quicker?

BTW - I love the big firebox! Wife and I moved a small table in front of the stove in the basement and are hammering away at our laptops (I work at home quite a bit).
Glad to hear that you are enjoying the Napoleon. My wife and I are looking at a 1400 PL..... as far as the coals are go, I will do as you said and put a single

split on the pile and let it burn down. It is very effective for me. Good luck.

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