My $40 husky 435

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Minister of Fire
Nov 8, 2011
North Central Idaho
Picked up a non running 2016 435 for $40. Like new but non running and only 50lbs compression. I figured WTH, I can tinker with it and for $40 it will keep me busy for the weekend. Turns out it had a stuck burnt ring. Got a new piston/ring/seals for $30. All back together and seems to run pretty well. A few things I learned...they are a clamshell motor but the bottom shell is the plastic case. The idle screw bounces around at full throttle. Not sure why but the parts diagram doesn't show a spring. Put one on and cured that issue. If you don't get the fuel line fully on the carb it will not let the throttle fully close. Fought with a high idle for an hour before I figured that out. Looks like a cheap saw but it runs good and I'll use for yard work and throw in the camper work I suppose. Another Husky to add to the stable. I still love the 036 and it seems to always be the "go to"


  • [] My $40  husky 435
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The existential question is...if there is no clamshell pan, is it really a clamshell??????
It may work fine but plastic for the engine bottom bothers me. You see it frequently on $75 trimmers and edgers.
These sell for more than a Poulan but I'd rather run a 36cc Poulan.
You have minimal money in it and it will be a decent limbing saw.
errr... talking saws, i started with 100 dollar poulan 3314 from lows... it locked up late the 2nd year due to the lockring that holds the piston/rod pin in place decided to fall out and lodge between piston and intake port.... jucked that one,,, now im working on tearing up a husky 240... first full year and doing great so far... it better for basically double the price... if this one goes to chainsaw heaven, im thinking about one of those wild things.. i hear good reviews vs ill have 16 inches of bar vs 14. bee carfull.. good times :-)
The existential question is...if there is no clamshell pan, is it really a clamshell??????
It may work fine but plastic for the engine bottom bothers me. You see it frequently on $75 trimmers and edgers.
These sell for more than a Poulan but I'd rather run a 36cc Poulan.
You have minimal money in it and it will be a decent limbing saw.

I agree I wouldn't pay full price for one now that I know how they are made. I've always considered cases that the bottom comes off and doesn't have to be split a clamshell. I figured this was one but would have thought husky would have made a plastic saw. I suppose that's a large market though.
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errr... talking saws, i started with 100 dollar poulan 3314 from lows... it locked up late the 2nd year due to the lockring that holds the piston/rod pin in place decided to fall out and lodge between piston and intake port.... jucked that one,,, now im working on tearing up a husky 240... first full year and doing great so far... it better for basically double the price... if this one goes to chainsaw heaven, im thinking about one of those wild things.. i hear good reviews vs ill have 16 inches of bar vs 14. bee carfull.. good times :)
My first was a 026 I got for 150 used. Traded up to the 036 to my Dad when he quit cutting wood. Still kick myself for not keeping it. It was probably the best all around saw i ever had. Light, could throw a 16" bar on when i hauled it on the 4 wheeler and could run a 20" fairly well. I'd pay 2-300 for a used 026 before I ever bought a box store saw new.
Yeah, it's still a clamshell, even w/o AL detachable pan. And there is nothing wrong, performance wise, with a clamshell. They just don't take as much abuse with the plastic chassis. Muff mod and proper tune can yield a good limbing saw - just don't throw saw around.
A cheap way to learn saw repair is find a non runner Poulan/Craftsman from 1990-2004 (non strato carb) for $5-10. Normally, all they need is carb and fuel line work - compression, P&C are still good. $15 in carb/fuel line parts and you have a limber. 14" bar works best. These models rarely have A/V, tho, except for yellow Poulan Pro branded ones. A/v is on most 2005 and newer Poulans but you have strato carbs and the non runner may be due to P&C scoring. I have boxes of scored strato Poulans that aren't worth a $45 topend.
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[] My $40  husky 435 [] My $40  husky 435
I have this 026 in my possession. It belongs to a lady who’s driveway my dad was maintaining this winter. It belonged to her husband who past away awhile ago. Said it didn’t run. So I offered to get it running and possibly buy it. Well this thing is in great shape and all it took was for me to dump out the old gas and put some fresh petrol in it. Any ideas on what I should offer for the saw? I definitely want it to be a fair transaction for both parties.
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View attachment 241942 View attachment 241941
I have this 026 in my possession. It belongs to a lady who’s driveway my dad was maintaining this winter. It belonged to her husband who past away awhile ago. Said it didn’t run. So I offered to get it running and possibly buy it. Well this thing is in great shape and all it took was for me to dump out the old gas and put some fresh petrol in it. Any ideas on what I should offer for the saw? I definitely want it to be a fair transaction for both parties.

I wouldn't blink an eye at paying $250 looks new. The sticker by the starter rope is untouched. Usually that wears off first. Probably the original bar and chain. A new 261 goes for around $700. All parts are still available for the 026. Usually power heads on Ebay go for 180-200ish.
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I wouldn't blink an eye at paying $250 looks new. The sticker by the starter rope is untouched. Usually that wears off first. Probably the original bar and chain. A new 261 goes for around $700. All parts are still available for the 026. Usually power heads on Ebay go for 180-200ish.
View attachment 241942 View attachment 241941
I have this 026 in my possession. It belongs to a lady who’s driveway my dad was maintaining this winter. It belonged to her husband who past away awhile ago. Said it didn’t run. So I offered to get it running and possibly buy it. Well this thing is in great shape and all it took was for me to dump out the old gas and put some fresh petrol in it. Any ideas on what I should offer for the saw? I definitely want it to be a fair transaction for both parties.
That isn't a 026 so don't offer much
That is a 025 clam shell,still a decent saw.If it was running you could get up to $200 for it.
That isn't a 026 so don't offer much
That is a 025 clam shell,still a decent saw.If it was running you could get up to $200 for it.
Yes good catch. I couldn’t remember exactly when I posted the pics and I didn’t feel like walking down to the barn. My eBay search confirms that it is indeed a 025. It runs great. It looks like it’s barely been used.
Older Stihls are easy to catch
Orange rear handle=clamshell
Older Stihls are easy to catch
Orange rear handle=clamshell
Considering I know the lady has absolutely no need for it I would like to get it for as good of a deal as I can while also not ripping her off.