There has been a lot of chatter this year about solid-state batteries. That is a battery without any liquid electrolyte. Samsung announced progress on this front in March. In Silicon Valley, another group of scientists and battery experts have been toiling away on this problem since 2010. The news today, it that they are done testing and ramping up now to address the process of mass manufacture. Quantumscape not only has solved the issue of designing a solid-state battery, but that also has impressive specs. Also of important note, also is anode-less. The anode forms on the fly. They have created a battery that will be safer, work over a wide temperature range, charge up to 80% capacity in 15 minutes, lighter, and will increase the range over the same-sized battery pack by about 100%. Their product will revolutionize the EV industry. Volkswagen is partnering to now ramp up manufacturing. We should start seeing it in the 2024 timeframe.

Did QuantumScape Just Solve a 40-Year-Old Battery Problem?
Earlier this year, the startup claimed to have a revolutionary solid-state lithium-ion cell that could change EVs forever. Now it has data to prove it.