Can't say as I am willing to do this quite yet, but I was doing some thinking... I attribute the blower "noise" I get on my PDVC to the many narrow slots the air is forced thru, causing turbulance and wind noise. Over the weekend I was amazed at how quiet my friends quad castile was. I noticed the air outlets are alot larger, and round in shape. This I think results in less wind resistance. I was wondering if anybody has tried, or (Pook maybe) is willing to try cutting out some of the vertical "spokes" and leaving every 4th spoke or so. I think it would not only cut down on the wind noise, but also allow the stove to move more air, more easily. I would think the less resistance, the more efficient it would run. Would also be nice if there were some readily available trim piece to put in place to cover the cuts. Maybe the trim pieces that are used around the glass could be modified to fit. Would also like to hear Mike Holton's thoughts on it. This will no doubt void the warrenty.