This is an FYI, there is a staggering amount of freshly cut oak laying on the side of the Garden State Parkway, with the heaviest concentration at about mile marker 85 on the southboud side. I don't know if it is legal to scrounge this stuff, and it did not look like the easiest place to load a trailer and then take off into 70mph traffic. Just thought I'd pass this along in case someone felt like checking it out.
This is an FYI, there is a staggering amount of freshly cut oak laying on the side of the Garden State Parkway, with the heaviest concentration at about mile marker 85 on the southboud side. I don't know if it is legal to scrounge this stuff, and it did not look like the easiest place to load a trailer and then take off into 70mph traffic. Just thought I'd pass this along in case someone felt like checking it out.