Only two seasons into burning wood and I'm hooked. I can't wait until Fall so I can cut some more for next year. What I'm looking for is a good book or reference I can take with me to the woods now and mark trees for cutting. I'm sure this has been covered over and over on this forum so I apologize for being lazy. I have heard of Peterson's books. Are they good? I can ID your typical oak and ash but as far as telling you what type of oak or ash it is while standing...not so much. I would also like something that tells me if the certain type of tree I am identifying is good for firewood and how long it takes to season. That way I can mark it now and when it comes time to cut, I can cut the short seasoning wood first (like ash) and get it split for next year and cut the long seasoning wood afterwards and split and stack it seperately for the following year. Any info or help as to a good book or reference is appreciated.