next year my wife an myself are going to reside our house adding possibly rigid foam insulation and definitely house wrap
I am building my hearth pad as we speak it will consist of 5 layers of backer board
now for my question can i bring my makeup air in through the air space under my stove and also can I use the air in my ventilated crawl space or do I need to take my duct for the make up air all of the way outside?
we can not get an inspection where we live all the county will give permits for is electrical and gas work?
Thank you
I am building my hearth pad as we speak it will consist of 5 layers of backer board
now for my question can i bring my makeup air in through the air space under my stove and also can I use the air in my ventilated crawl space or do I need to take my duct for the make up air all of the way outside?
we can not get an inspection where we live all the county will give permits for is electrical and gas work?
Thank you