Hi! Need help
I have a Tarm Solo Plus MKII 140,000 btu, that developed a pinhole leak in the firebox yesterday.
It’s on the back wall (of course🙄), about an inch up from the bottom.
What do I do????
I just started looking online - one suggestion was to put a self-tapping screw with a rubber gasket in.
Has anyone done that?
If I try it, should I put something on top of it to offer heat protection? High Temp Cement? I ‘could’ put sand in at the back- but that will be a hassle putting wood in and taking ash out. Anything else that might work better than cement?
What would YOU do??
OR - ANY suggestions about other fixes??
I read something about having fireboxes relined?
Is welding an option? (MIG? Or other?)
I’m just not sure HOW that could happen though, since it is so difficult to reach the back.
I’m REALLY in a tough place… the boiler is my only source of heat (and I’m in Midwestern Ontario where we just got over 100cm (3 ft) in a storm that lasted for 3 days.
I’m also broke, 😞 and can’t afford another boiler - new or used.
And I certainly can’t afford propane. 😞
I’m fearing that you will tell me it’s not fixable😞…but ANY help, suggestions, advice, thoughts, feedback, ideas, used gasification boilers for sale cheap…..welcome

I have a Tarm Solo Plus MKII 140,000 btu, that developed a pinhole leak in the firebox yesterday.
It’s on the back wall (of course🙄), about an inch up from the bottom.
What do I do????
I just started looking online - one suggestion was to put a self-tapping screw with a rubber gasket in.
Has anyone done that?
If I try it, should I put something on top of it to offer heat protection? High Temp Cement? I ‘could’ put sand in at the back- but that will be a hassle putting wood in and taking ash out. Anything else that might work better than cement?
What would YOU do??
OR - ANY suggestions about other fixes??
I read something about having fireboxes relined?
Is welding an option? (MIG? Or other?)
I’m just not sure HOW that could happen though, since it is so difficult to reach the back.
I’m REALLY in a tough place… the boiler is my only source of heat (and I’m in Midwestern Ontario where we just got over 100cm (3 ft) in a storm that lasted for 3 days.
I’m also broke, 😞 and can’t afford another boiler - new or used.
And I certainly can’t afford propane. 😞
I’m fearing that you will tell me it’s not fixable😞…but ANY help, suggestions, advice, thoughts, feedback, ideas, used gasification boilers for sale cheap…..welcome
