This forum was invaluable in helping me set up, use and maintain my Harman P35 insert pellet stove. Thank you again. However, a few years ago I converted my house's oil system to natural gas and have been heating exclusively with that. It has been noticeably cheaper for me and requires a lot less maintenance/clean up. I plan to be in my house for at least 7 or 8 more years. So here's the question: should I yank out the Harman, sell it, and enjoy the romance/fun of a wood burning fireplace? (I'd get a draft blocker for when I'm not using it.) Or should I keep the Harman as an alternative source of energy and as a hedge for when the apocalypse occurs and gas prices goes through the roof? (I'm also concerned about the environmental issues in using gas.) There's no right answer but I'd be interested in hearing opinions. Again, the only advantage to having a fireplace is that it's just pleasant. The P35 is attractive and looks good in my living room. What do you think?
This forum was invaluable in helping me set up, use and maintain my Harman P35 insert pellet stove. Thank you again. However, a few years ago I converted my house's oil system to natural gas and have been heating exclusively with that. It has been noticeably cheaper for me and requires a lot less maintenance/clean up. I plan to be in my house for at least 7 or 8 more years. So here's the question: should I yank out the Harman, sell it, and enjoy the romance/fun of a wood burning fireplace? (I'd get a draft blocker for when I'm not using it.) Or should I keep the Harman as an alternative source of energy and as a hedge for when the apocalypse occurs and gas prices goes through the roof? (I'm also concerned about the environmental issues in using gas.) There's no right answer but I'd be interested in hearing opinions. Again, the only advantage to having a fireplace is that it's just pleasant. The P35 is attractive and looks good in my living room. What do you think?