Upon inspection of a chimney today, I saw something that really made me shake my head. This was a ranch home with a wood/coal furnace in the basement area. What I saw in the basement was normal smoke pipe going into a section of 8"class A through a masonary wall. Onthe outside of the home was about a sixteen ft. vinyl sided chase with a class A cap on top. After somewhat of a strugle getting on the snow/ice covered roof the cap seemed to be some how connected to the class A but the top section was very loose so I pulled the 3ft. top section out of the chase. Much to my surprise that was the whole chimney.... Looking down the chase all I could see was the plywood interior of the chase and the piece of class A that went through the foundation Needless to say I told the homeowner to call the person who built the thing and got the heck out of there.....