...and got a few questions about a few things...
How often does everyone clean their stoves? And, when you do, what do you use to clean it? Whats the deal with these ash vacs are they worth the $200 + for them? Obviously a shop vac would be more versitle, but I need something cause of course my shop vac failed recently. I guess with a shop vac, you just need to let the stove cool some before cleaning it, as I assume you'd have to with an ash vac as well...
Anyone ever get any smoke from their stove? I think I need to change my chimney some as it started to melt my siding very slightly on my house (I have it far enough away as recommended) so I put a heat sheild around it. It's on the side of my house that gets the most or all of the wind, so now the sheild directs the air down the pipe into my stove. It was windy yesterday around my area and it was interesting at times. I'm thinking of adding to 90 degree elbows. On to get farther away from my siding, and then another one to turn it back up...
How often does everyone clean their stoves? And, when you do, what do you use to clean it? Whats the deal with these ash vacs are they worth the $200 + for them? Obviously a shop vac would be more versitle, but I need something cause of course my shop vac failed recently. I guess with a shop vac, you just need to let the stove cool some before cleaning it, as I assume you'd have to with an ash vac as well...
Anyone ever get any smoke from their stove? I think I need to change my chimney some as it started to melt my siding very slightly on my house (I have it far enough away as recommended) so I put a heat sheild around it. It's on the side of my house that gets the most or all of the wind, so now the sheild directs the air down the pipe into my stove. It was windy yesterday around my area and it was interesting at times. I'm thinking of adding to 90 degree elbows. On to get farther away from my siding, and then another one to turn it back up...