I have a Jotul F600. Used as primary source of heat for my home. What drives me crazy that I only seem to get 2 years before the burn plates (cast iron baffles) crack, and warp. I am also on my second replacement of the secondary manifold that holds the burn tubes. The cast iron warps, and the burn tubes fall out. My dealer tells me that I am over firing the stove. My stove top temp hardly heaver reaches 400 F. Usually hovers around 350 F. I know that some of the other jotul models have gone to Ceramic burn plates. My dealer now constantly stocks the burn plates for the F600. Had to always order them before. Seems like this is an issue for other owners of the F600. I am very careful, and have had other wood stoves in the past. It seems to me that there is some inherent flaw in this stoves design. Jotul's warranty is pretty much useless in my opinion. When the stove runs well it throws out a lot of heat. Just wondeing if any one out their is having similar issues with their F600. I would probably replace right now with a different brand, it just is not in the budget. I am hoping that someone might have some ideas. Thanks.