I saw this yesterday, and MF Fire is a company that is new to me. This listing is for an MF Fire Nova (new) for $1250:
Trustpilot indicates that the seller, Ruralenergy.com, is a legitimate site.
But the language in this listing doesn't make sense to me:
"Please note: The manufacturer's EPA certification for this wood stove has expired, and therefore these units are offered for sale for recreational purposes only. Additionally, MF Fire does not provide any warranty or support for this stove. To ensure customer satisfaction, Rural Energy will provide a limited 30-day warranty covering defects in materials and workmanship."
I have no idea what an EPA certification expiring means, unless these are very old woodstoves, or why even an old woodstove would be used for recreational purposes only. That doesn't seem to make sense when I read the MF Fire web site about this item, either. The $1250 price is enticing, but of course, also scary, as it seems like something is wrong here.
I'm also trying to make sense out of Rural Energy. Their web site mentions something about having dealers in various parts of the country, including one on Long Island, but they look like they are headquartered in Alaska, which is a long way from the Northeast, where I live.
I emailed them last night, but haven't heard back, as yet.
If anyone can shed light on this for me, please do.

MF Fire Nova Wood Stove
The elegance of a fire brought to the home is the MF Fire Nova Wood Stove 2020. Have your fire burn brighter and hotter with a 79 percent efficiency that is perfect for heating any room in your home.

Trustpilot indicates that the seller, Ruralenergy.com, is a legitimate site.
But the language in this listing doesn't make sense to me:
"Please note: The manufacturer's EPA certification for this wood stove has expired, and therefore these units are offered for sale for recreational purposes only. Additionally, MF Fire does not provide any warranty or support for this stove. To ensure customer satisfaction, Rural Energy will provide a limited 30-day warranty covering defects in materials and workmanship."
I have no idea what an EPA certification expiring means, unless these are very old woodstoves, or why even an old woodstove would be used for recreational purposes only. That doesn't seem to make sense when I read the MF Fire web site about this item, either. The $1250 price is enticing, but of course, also scary, as it seems like something is wrong here.
I'm also trying to make sense out of Rural Energy. Their web site mentions something about having dealers in various parts of the country, including one on Long Island, but they look like they are headquartered in Alaska, which is a long way from the Northeast, where I live.
I emailed them last night, but haven't heard back, as yet.
If anyone can shed light on this for me, please do.