I'm kinda a special case. Wood out here got harder,more time consuming and expensive, and ran across a Austroflamm Integra cheap, only a few years old,got cheap because was hard to remove, in a condo at a ski slope. This site was in it's infancy, very little info on the net, which was also limited back then. Made just about every mistake possible,lol! Well, taught myself over time, researching on net got better, moved into fixing stoves part time, even refurbishing and selling a few. Gained tons of experience doing such. Getting older, being mostly retired, the last Accentra I refurbished I kept, and put upstairs, I no longer have to heat from the basement. still have Integra, still use part time, especially when -30 with high wind. Because I can!lol. In it's time, was no better stove made than the Integra, in my opinion. Harman quality was/is top notch, especially the older designs by Dane. Improvements have even made the older stoves cleaner burning and more efficient, and, in my experience, no stove is easier to clean than a P series stove, and requires less. There are other great high quality I would not be afraid to own, however, some quads and enviros, and some cheaper units that serve a purpose. But, if you wish to depend on it as you do your furnace or other home heating, go with top of the line.
PS, have had my Integra so long, I remember I used to buy parts from Lucky Distributing, direct, they were the original importer,lol.
Also, Harmans are simple, almost anyone could refurbish an old one, and save lots of money.