For my kid - narrowed it down to the Quadrafire classic bay 1200i, Lopi Yankee bay, and the Breckwell P2000i. With the nickle finish and surround, I think they all come in for $3,000. Hear the Quadra is made in China but also hear good things about it. Know little about Lopi. I have a Breckwell 24 freestanding for over 10 years but this is 2009 and not 1997 when I got mine and it is an insert. Was looling Napoleon but no ashpan and they are a nice to have.
Reviews on these are all decent. Leaning toward that quadra as I hear these require less hands on, although they all require some, and people say they clean the window once a week - my P24 needs daily window cleaning but never needed service. Opinions very much appreciated.
Thanks for the expertise here.
Reviews on these are all decent. Leaning toward that quadra as I hear these require less hands on, although they all require some, and people say they clean the window once a week - my P24 needs daily window cleaning but never needed service. Opinions very much appreciated.
Thanks for the expertise here.