GST... Yes, that would be an add on at the border.... Not to mention the cost of shipping something like this to Canada
since no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get that trailer as my second piece of luggage coming home.
I should have clarified the reason why I would love this trailer, or why I would consider making one like it...... I have unlimited wood within 2 miles of my yard and I would only be using our tractor to pull it. The narrow set up would be ideal in the bush I cut in.
Bottom line is that I do have a little trailer, I have a half ton truck box trailer, and access to a 4x4 half ton. Oh, and I have an older quad that I need to get running again. I just need to use what I have and I will be fine. We have loads of manpower on our yard as my in-laws, who live on our acreage with us, love cutting wood and my kids are old enough to stack wood. When we get at it we have an 8 person firewood crew.
My biggest challenge right now with my firewood stacks is getting a ton of rounds split that I am behind on. One of these days the Split-Fire from the rental store will be coming for a sleepover and a marathon session. If my estimate are correct right now I have between 10 and 13 cords in rounds on the yard right now.
I am keeping my eye open for a splitter of my own but I cannot justify the cost of a purchase when I can rent the Split Fire for $50 for 24 hours. It is frustrating to not be able have a splitter on the yard for use an hour or two at a time any time I want. When one is behind schedule when living in the country it seems that you might never catch up.
Once I get what I have on the yard split and stacked then I can get the trailer and tractor moving on the dozens of cords of standing and fallen dead ash and poplar. Add to this the ongoing supply of box elder (and at least three cords of a type of wood that I am not allowed to "legally store and burn" that is already on my 2 yard) and I have no need to break even the one mile mark for my firewood supply.
A project like this trailer is something that I will keep my eye out for part and pieces that will fit the bill over time. If I see the right axle, cylinder, etc then I will consider building it.
Oh right.... I also have a "buzz-saw" mandrel run by a tractor pulley that I bought for dirt cheap that I have never used in three years...... Time to get moving on cleaning off my un-used projects
.... before I start into new ones....