I come in from changing the oil in my tractor and a new posting for the chainsaw on Craigslist. I call and he said he just put it on. Turns out he is 10 minutes away. Says saw will not start. He cut 2 trees down with it and now nothing. Checked and there is mix in it. I hand him 50 bucks and smile. I get home and the compression release was stuck in with sawdust. It runs perfect! Now I know for $50 with a scabbord and new sharpening file is cheap...but how does it compare to a stihl ms361/ms362. That is the saw I keep saying I am going to buy. It actually is more hp, but any real world comparisons? The Makita hums at 13500rpm. What does the ms360 series or the ms290 series run at? I added a pic.