Splitting 30"+ DBH oak rounds by hand. This is water oak, I think it's a type of red oak. I have two Fiskars, one is an Isocore maul type and the other is x27. This wood is so heavy for me, I need to quarter the big rounds to even move them to my nearby splitter. When I split the rounds with the Fiskars, the pieces are still stuck together with strings and sections of wood, and the bark. It's a lot of work to get these quarters separated. I have health issues and can't mandhandle these rounds like I could when I was young. Is there any technique you have found to get them separated easier? I keep whacking them with the maul after each split is achieved but each swing takes its toll on me, lol. I haven't figured out a way to do it better, if there is one except that I recall seeing someone had made a tool... it was all steel, a steel handle and then a 'blade' at the bottom that was sharpened on bottom and the blade was real heavy duty, pretty thick, and you could punch down through the stringy wood strands. That would work if I had one. I wonder if anyone sells anything like that. Might also be some technique I don't know.