I recently heard my dad tell a story about splitting wood for my great grandmother. This was several years ago, at the time she must have been near 80 years old. I remember when I was a kid she was always fussing at us for doing things for her. She said she didnt want to be a burden on us. My dad was working on her wood pile when she came out the back door and said "come on in its time to eat and dont worry with that wood daddy will come over and take care of it tomorrow". Her daddy was about 100 years old at the time and he for the most part still split his own wood and hers too. My dad and grandad dad would cut trees and take them over to my great grandmother and her dads house. Usually it would get dark on them before it was all split and usually it would get split on them before they returned. My dad said when he went to help pa split his wood pa insisted on helping, and when he got to a knotty stick he would tell him "pa just leave that one and i will get to it in a few minutes" pa told him "i dont guess ive left one standin' yet" He split his own wood and dug his own garden until he was 102 and passed at 104. He was much of a man