I'm planning a wood shed. I'm sick of the varying quality of wood I get when I buy as I go. I heat a 1000-1500 sq ft home depending on what doors are open but not 24/7. I keep the heat set low around 60 or 62 and usually start a fire up when I get home from work. If I feel ambitious or the wood I have been using is burning good I'll start one up before work. The oil furnace hardly turns on, I've used about 200 gallons of oil in about 1 year . My projection is I'll end up using 5-6 face cord of wood? First part of the season I was using an old Vermont Casing stove, I just updated to a new Quadra-fire but have only been using it about 1 month. I'm sick of dealing with wet wood, I'm building a shed off the back of the garage. I think I can easily keep 2-3 full cords of wood, is that enough for the season? How big would you build?