Hotblast supply temperature issues

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New Member
Feb 20, 2025
Hello, new to wood burners and heating with wood in general. We recently purchased a used hotblast wood stove. It over all is in good condition and we were told it worked fine when removed. The issue we are having is regardless of how hot we get the furnace the supply air that the blower is pushing out is warm at best maybe 50 degrees max. This is causing the blower to kick on and off and only run a couple minutes at a time even with the thermodial at 100 degrees. The blower does not appear to be original and is very big. Could the blower be to large? A friend of ours has a very similar unit and he has no problem getting his 2,000 sqft house 80+ degrees however we can’t even warm up a single wide trailer. The stove is in an addition and I originally thought maybe since the room was so cold to begin with the blower was blowing cold air across the furnace cooling it down. Tonight I used a torpedo heater and got the room up to about 60-70 degrees with the same results. Anybody have any ideas on what I’m doing wrong?

Thanks in advance!
Used Hotblast....ugh.
Well, one thing they do is make some heat, and they love to much are you feeding it, and when was it cut? Also, how tall is the chimney?
The oversized blower is not helping, but it should be able to overcome that.
Where do you have it installed? If clearance to combustibles rules are met, that would have to eat up a lot of room in a trailer
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Thanks for the reply, the chimney is about 20 ft tall and the furnace is in a large addition built off the back of the trailer it is approximately 30x15 with concrete floor and block walls that are 4ft tall so clearance isn’t an issue. There is a 8” duct ran out to this addition straight off the plenum of the furnace but I am currently running it with 2 90s wide open straight off the top of the furnace. I have tried several different woods some that I know is extremely seasoned and dry cut and split a year ago. Getting the firebox up to temp isn’t a problem it will get so hot you have a hard time putting your hand close to it, it’s just as soon as that blower kicks on it cools the air right down.
from your description , yes the room blower is likely too much cfm. You could try blocking the blower intake a bit to reduce the air flow .Having had a hot blast some 20 years ago my condolences. iirc the exhaust (flue ) draft should not be above .06. The auto damper on those is about useless. best to just block it from opening and use the spin draft on the lower door. As with any wood burner Fuel has to be below 20% moisture content. higher than that you waste most of the btu's just burning off excess moisture. In reality the hotblast is a coal burner, that is it's design function. It is a hungry beast when using wood and can easily overfire. ( i always called the auto draft on the upper door an automatic overfire item, as the one I had would always stick wide open). Good dry hardwood might give you about 4 hours of usable heat.
furnace is in a large addition built off the back of the trailer it is approximately 30x15 with concrete floor and block walls

so, you are taking in air from outside the heating envelope from an un-insulated building? If so, this is not going to work very well. You will never benefit from the snowball effect of rising inside temp due to always pulling in cold outside air.
Thanks for the reply, the chimney is about 20 ft tall and the furnace is in a large addition built off the back of the trailer it is approximately 30x15 with concrete floor and block walls that are 4ft tall so clearance isn’t an issue. There is a 8” duct ran out to this addition straight off the plenum of the furnace but I am currently running it with 2 90s wide open straight off the top of the furnace. I have tried several different woods some that I know is extremely seasoned and dry cut and split a year ago. Getting the firebox up to temp isn’t a problem it will get so hot you have a hard time putting your hand close to it, it’s just as soon as that blower kicks on it cools the air right down.
What kind of wood? There's only a few species that will be ready to burn in a year after splitting.
If you are pulling air from the outbuilding I'm betting it's darn cold in there...that's not helping your situation any...try blocking one of those 90s off, see how it acts.