Last night i was getting my pellet stove ready for use but it wuld not ignite. Today i was checking the fuses etc now it won’t power on at all
HELP! I checked make sure all connections tight.. i even switched out the control panel to an d one that was working & nothing! What can i do? HELP! Or should i say….. what did i do now?!?
Update: I think I figured it out …. There is a white wire that comes from back corner of unit - I assume hopper switch wire (6 pin connection). If that is plugged in - NO POWER if NOT plugged in - I HAVE POWER! Am i correct is the white wire for hopper switch?

Update: I think I figured it out …. There is a white wire that comes from back corner of unit - I assume hopper switch wire (6 pin connection). If that is plugged in - NO POWER if NOT plugged in - I HAVE POWER! Am i correct is the white wire for hopper switch?
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