I was looking at installing a brazed plate heat exchanger and used the software on www.flateplate.com to come up with the right size for the heating load. I also was interested in finding out the pressure drop of the fluid through the heat exchanger. GEA makes a low pressure drop heat exchanger. I talked to a supplier off the web and he seemed to think that a low pressure drop heat exchanger would not be as effecient. My thought was that a pressure drop of say .8 psi which would equal a head loss of approximately 1.9 feet would mean I could use a smaller pump, use less electricity etc. I'm interested in what different people has experienced. Also, if someone can give me an idea of the losses in the following pipe: 160 feet 1" pex (accounting for both supply and retun lengths) and 20 feet 1" cu and a 40 plate heat exchanger (depends on the pressure drop) I was thinking that the max gpm through the 1" pex should not be greatr then 7.5 gpm. Thanks in advance. Lots of good advice in the site.