Lets see how many times I handle stuff (all by hand or manually pushed cart) I'm somewhat constrained simply by the geography of the place, except for my splitting block, everything is pretty much in the most logical or only available place it could be. The splitting block is a tree stump, and grew where it is
It's a bit of a nusiance location wise, but is so perfect in other ways that I don't really want to find a different setup for splitting.
1. My wood guy brings in the truck load of log length and stacks it in my cutting area, using the nice crane on his log truck. (Looks like fun, I'd love to try it....)
2. I cut it into rounds from the stack, may or may not have to move them around as I cut.
3. I move the rounds from the cutting area PAST the wood shed to the splitting area and dump them (real small stuff goes to the woodsheds w/o splitting, up to about 10" gets moved several rounds at a time with the wood cart, larger rounds get moved 1-2 at a time with a two wheel dolly)
4A. Manhandle them onto the splitting block
4B. W/ a monster maul or sledge & wedge, split them into burning size,
4C. Stack the splits on my wood cart.
5. Roll the full wood cart to the sheds and stack into the sheds
6. During burning season, load from the sheds into the wood cart and haul into the house (up about 8 steps, thank goodness the wood cart has bicycle style wheels)
7. Mostly feed the stove off the wood cart, but the tag ends of loads will get transfered to a log holder when I need to get another load, and go from the log holder to the stove.
So looks like I handle each peice about 7-8 times depending on how you want to count, and I've been burning about 5-6 cords / year.