An oil company sold pre bought oil contracts during the summer to over 15,000 customers for $1000 to lock in prices
The money dissappeared the company never bought the contracts and as the State attourny general's office investigates
The money trail and assets have been covered up in multiple dummy corperations and names Comes to find out the oil companies are owed quite a bit as well
and would not accept new cpntracts till the old dedt was paid
More on the story Viking Oil Located just north of Boston or north shore
There is another scam going on. Selling oil and maintance service and insurance It seems that many unnessessary repairs are done to furnaces/boilers before you can qualify fir the program
I investigate one such claim last week It turned to be legit the company insisted that before they issued the program that the oil lines be convrted to flare fittings
instead of compression fittings (BTW code requires flared fittings) The issue at stake is, the maintance Co does not want the responsibility should these compression fittings spring a leak
Compression fitting have failed in the past. 200 gallon oil leaks in your basement , the ressolution is real costly while you live in a trailor or Motel room
The money dissappeared the company never bought the contracts and as the State attourny general's office investigates
The money trail and assets have been covered up in multiple dummy corperations and names Comes to find out the oil companies are owed quite a bit as well
and would not accept new cpntracts till the old dedt was paid
More on the story Viking Oil Located just north of Boston or north shore
There is another scam going on. Selling oil and maintance service and insurance It seems that many unnessessary repairs are done to furnaces/boilers before you can qualify fir the program
I investigate one such claim last week It turned to be legit the company insisted that before they issued the program that the oil lines be convrted to flare fittings
instead of compression fittings (BTW code requires flared fittings) The issue at stake is, the maintance Co does not want the responsibility should these compression fittings spring a leak
Compression fitting have failed in the past. 200 gallon oil leaks in your basement , the ressolution is real costly while you live in a trailor or Motel room