Yea Last Thursday I got my P38 installed.. It's perfect!! I had enough clearance from the front to have it kitty-cornered on my hearth pad to point towards the center of my house.
I'll have to post some pics later.
Any tips on the first fire??? They didn't to a test fire, as the silicone they used to seal the joints in the piping needed to dry 1-2 hours.
I want to make sure...
a) it works
b) there aren't any leaks in the piping
I figure I can tell the first item rather easily But the second.. I'm not sure what a pellet stove running would smell like. I know the first burn might have a bit of an odor.
I'll have to post some pics later.
Any tips on the first fire??? They didn't to a test fire, as the silicone they used to seal the joints in the piping needed to dry 1-2 hours.
I want to make sure...
a) it works
b) there aren't any leaks in the piping
I figure I can tell the first item rather easily But the second.. I'm not sure what a pellet stove running would smell like. I know the first burn might have a bit of an odor.