Great Northern White Bean Soup / Recipe

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Minister of Fire
Hearth Supporter
Aug 25, 2009
In The Woods
Great Northern White Bean Soup

• 8 oz. dried Great Northern White Beans
• 4 Cups Chicken Broth
• 3 slices of bacon, chopped
• 1 cup of minced onion
• 2 stalks of celery, minced
• 4 gloves of garlic, minced
• 1 bay leaf
• 1 teasp. Lemon juice
• salt & pepper to taste
• 2 tbsp. Grated parm cheese
Soak beans overnight. Cook bacon in stock pot until crispy, remove bacon. Over medium heat add onion, celery & garlic to the bacon fat, sauté’ until tender. Add beans, chicken broth and bay leaf. Simmer until beans are tender – about 2 hrs. (Add stock or water as needed). When beans are cooked, discard bay leaf. Puree ¼ cup of the soup & return to pot. Adjust consistency with stock or water as necessary. Serve with lemon juice, pepper, salt and grated cheese.

Changes to the recipe, instead of three slices of bacon the wife goes with one pound, everything else in the recipe double. Just spoke with the wife, she cooks three slices of bacon in the pot the soup will be cooked in, the rest of the bacon is cooked on the griddle, add the bacon grease from that according to your taste.



  • [] Great Northern White Bean Soup / Recipe
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Wish I saw this post several hours ago, Zap. Looks perfect for a bitter cold day like today. Got too used to this 40° stuff. Went outside in my t-shirt to bring the trash to the curb and almost froze my nipples off. :ohh:
Ah, Zap, great minds (in similar weather) think alike! I've got a pot of Smoky Black Bean and Ham Bone Soup simmering...


2 cups dried black beans
1 meaty ham bone, plus 1 1/2 cups meat from the bone
4 cups chicken broth
4 cups water
1 bay leaf
1 T olive oil
1 medium yellow onion, uct into 1/4" dice
1 medium clove garlic, minced
1/2t sweet Hungarian paprika
1/4 t Spanish smoked paprika (pimenton)
1/8 t dried oregano
1/2cup chipotle salsa (I use Pace Picante Sauce, Med with 1 t ground chipotle)
1/4 cup dry sherry (I use slurp vinegar)

Soak beans overnight and then drain.

Transfer beans to large, heavy-bottomed pot and add ham bone. Pour broth and water over beans and add bay leaf. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat, then reduce heat to medium; partially cover and cook for 1 1/2 to 2 hours, until beans are tender yet still hold their shape. Add water if needed. Reduce heat to medium-lo or low as needed to maintain gentle bubbling.

Turn off heat when beans are done; let the soup cool for about 10 minutes.

Use tongs to transfer ham bone to cutting board. Cut meat off bone in chunks, then cut into small pieces or shred. Discard bone.

Discard bay leaf. Use a stick blender to coarsely puree black beans in the broth so that some are mashed and some remain whole.

Heat oil in medium skillet over medium heat. Stir in the onions. Cook for 5 minutes, until they begin to soften, then stir in the garlic and cook for 7 minutes, stirring often. Sprinkle in both kinds of paprika and the oregano. Add salsa and cook for a minute or two.

Transfer the onion mixture to the soup, along with the reserved ham. Stir in the sherry, if using. Reheat the soup over medium-low heat just long enough for it to warm through.

Serve with sour cream and cilantro, if desired.
HH, thanks for the recipe it's been saved.

Battenkiller said:
Wish I saw this post several hours ago, Zap. Looks perfect for a bitter cold day like today. Got too used to this 40° stuff. Went outside in my t-shirt to bring the trash to the curb and almost froze my nipples off. :ohh:

Been out once today, the wind started to pick up when I came back, they had a windchill between -5 /-15, what did you have for t-shirt weather? :grrr:

zapny said:
Been out once today, the wind started to pick up when I came back, they had a windchill between -5 /-15, what did you have for t-shirt weather? :grrr:

I was supposed to go pick up a pool table at noon. I ran out to bring the trash to the curb without thinking of grabbing a jacket. New driveway's about 200' longer than the old one. Halfway there the cold hit me. I jogged back to the house and checked the temp on WU. 9°F (didn't check the wind chill). WTF!!! OK... It is still Feb., but it was, well.... BRACING!

Getting old, I guess. Used to take this weather in my stride, but the old bones ain't so fond of temp extremes anymore. The pellet stove stopped the shivers, but I really miss the old Vig in these situations. Great to just stand there and bake until my pants start to smoke a bit.
I think I will try this recipe, zap...thanks! And a big special thanks to your wife for doing the whole pound of bacon!!!

As far as the weather here, what a pathetic attempt at winter we have had this season...I love it! It's great! We are fore-casted back into the 30's for the coming week.
The wife just got a chuckle from your comment on the pound of bacon. We hope to cook HH's recipe before winter is over.

We just watched it, ain't that the truth.

Sitting here smiling, as I just did a job which was a tractor trailer wreck, and had the cargo claim also.
Cargo was all canned beans.
686 #10(6lb) cans of Great Northern Beans
1029 #10 cans of Brite Dark Kidney Beans in brine
343 #10 cans of Brite Dark Kidney beans in brown sugar sauce.
336 #10 cans of Pinto Beans.

The load was worth $7,900.00, The high salvage bid was $1,000.00. Someone has lots of beans to eat!
One of my favorite things to make! I love dipping a Bouchard's Buck Wheat pancake in it!
Mmmm, I'm loving it. Going to make that with navy pea beans. Great for cold snaps, then I can switch to natural gas heat... :bug:
Hogwildz said:
Sitting here smiling, as I just did a job which was a tractor trailer wreck, and had the cargo claim also.
Cargo was all canned beans.
686 #10(6lb) cans of Great Northern Beans
1029 #10 cans of Brite Dark Kidney Beans in brine
343 #10 cans of Brite Dark Kidney beans in brown sugar sauce.
336 #10 cans of Pinto Beans.

The load was worth $7,900.00, The high salvage bid was $1,000.00. Someone has lots of beans to eat!

We used to do the wreck clean ups on I-90 occaisionally when the load was unsalvagable and scattered katty-wamp-us over 2 acres of the median/berm. Haul a loader in and a couple rolloffs and start shovelin'! Got lots of canned peaches, bbq sauce and socks/t-shirts but never beans. Man that soup looks de-lish !!!!
We had a tractor trailer go up in flames that had a full load of potatoes up this way last week . . . unfortunately the cargo looked pretty scorched . . . thinking that those baked potatoes would need more than some sour cream to make them tasty taters.
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