had a couple of install questions. I just got in an Englander 10 cpm and am getting ready to start building the hearth pad tomorrow but in the mean time was wondering if there was any differences in an up & out(through the wall) venting as opposed to an out then up as far as drafting, more heat output, or any pros or cons to either? Also macman referred me to a forum member who sells simpson dura vent(thanks again macman),who I am waiting for an email from, but do I need a special type venting with this being a multi burner? I plan on burning anything I can in the future and want to get it right the first time but of course need it to be cost effect to me as well. If I decide to go the up then out route what kind/brand of paint is necessary to hold up to the extreme heat? As far as the hearth pad I'm just planning on 2x6 on 12" center with concrete board and ceramic tile, is there any problems with this? I may be revisiting the whole hearth pad issue next summer but just want something to get me through the winter right now. It's coming too fast TIA for any help