My friend moved into a condo. There was a pre-existing Montigo Phenom PL42DFNi direct vent gas fireplace built into the wall. It was old, so they replaced it with a new one. Same make and model. After it was professionally installed, the next day they flipped the switch, heard the piezo electric kick in, and the fire started. No problems. After about an hour, they heard a crackling inside the wall above the fireplace. They turned the switch off. Crackling continued. Then smoke started coming out of recessed light in ceiling. So they called 911 and ran. The fire department pulled the wall apart and drowned it. The inside, above the fireplace, was charred all the way to the ceiling. the installers moved the vent pipe from the top to the back and it vented outside, about 20 feet above the ground. What could have caused the fire? My friend never smelled gas.