i changed the static 3450rpm single phase motor with a direct bolt 2 hp 3 phase motor controlled by a variable speed drive,0rpm to 4600 rpm. Originally i was expecting that a higher rpm would increase the secondary burn temp, wrong , just the opposite, lower burn temps and higher stack temps, i guess the physical characteristics of the garn burn chamber is not meant for more air. With the stock motor the secondary burn temps 1800/ 2200deg and the stack temps 400/500deg, when i lowered the rpm of the new motor at full burn to 2300rpm,40hz the burn chamber temp stayed the same and the stack temp dropped to 350deg, i guess lowering the cfm increased the retention time of the flue gas to be absorbed by the hx tube, with still maintaining enough combustion air. There becomes a point when the burn temp lowers and the target flue temp cant be maintained with modulating lower i was able slowly lower the flue temp. with the stock setup the flue temp would drop off faster and to a lower temp. QUESTIONS, if the burn chamber temp is above gasification and you maintain a flue stack temp above condensing temp does this constitute effiency? I was thinking of a flue temp target of 350deg to be maintained by modulation until that can no longer be maintained due to low fire then a flue temp to be lowered incrementally by modulation until a low flue temp set point was reached and the vsd would shut off? does this sound logical, i would appreciate any feed back . thanks