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I pruned everything back 2 years ago. None of the trees grew much last summer, but this spring they are all taking off like crazy so I will prum again this winter. Unless I should let then grow. Most trees are 6-8ft tall with my 2 oldest trees being about 12-14ft tall. I think I did prun wrong on my "big" apple. It was growing up not out at all, so I cut the top off. Now its growing out and up. But made very few buds this year, maybe 10-15 in all.
Are you getting blossoms? If you're not getting blossoms you need to prune/prune differently. If you're getting blossoms but they're not fertilizing then it might be the mix of trees you're using that aren't pollinating each other. If that's not it either it sounds like I'm not an expert and make a lot of mistakes on my own trees but this is what I've learned for myself.
Peaches only fruit on 1yr wood. You'll get blossoms/fruit on last year's growth, after that it won't fruit on that part of the tree. I've got a 6'x6' peach tree that's well-pruned and every year it sets hundreds of peaches, much more than the tree can support. I thin it back each year to a few dozen. This year maybe a few more.
For the most part apples are self-polinating, but I'm sure there's exceptions. Apples form their blossoms on fruiting spurs that are 2+yrs old wood. If you cut back an apple tree like you do a peach tree you won't get any blossoms at all.
Plums can be self-pollinating but they might not be either, so 2 plums of the same species may not bear fruit.
I have gotten 6 or so small and I mean small apples from the trees. No peaches yet. The pear did ok. It was only a few but full size. This year there are brown dots on the leaf.