Several of you have been graciously answering my stove operation and temp questions lately and I greatly appreciate it. So far I have found out that for the last few years I have been overfiring my stove. I now have a flue thermometer(probe 20" above stove) and stovetop thermometer(mounted on hottest point on top of stove measured with infrared). I have removed a grate in the bottom of my stove that I had previously added. So now I am burning properly I believe. My question- if the stove top temp is say 500-550, the flue is just around 400 or so. The recommendations on the flue thermometer show 400 as the cutoff for ideal combustion. During lower temp burns with the stove damper backed off(stovetop around 400), the flue may only be 300. My understanding is this will create creosote. Which temp should I be more interested in? Keeping both in ideal range, especially for long burns does not seem likely without several damper adjustments during the burn. Is this normal and I'm just not used to it because I've not been reading temps?