I came upon a pretty huge stash of wood from someone along my commuting route. The original tree must have been about 80-100', 3-4' DBH. She says it fell about 9mo ago. I split up 4 rounds about 3'x20" by hand last Friday to build up my supply for our fireplace for the winter. I found the big rounds were still pretty green; literally they had a green tint to them. So I probably won't be able to use them this winter. I was able to get it split pretty straight with the maul once I got these rounds into 6th's. About half of these needed a wedge to finish though.
Picking it up it seems lighter than some other stuff she had laying in a well seasoned pile <1' dia each. The bark looks the same but it is very heavy, hard, dense, and difficult to split (stringy). Maybe Elm? I will ask her if that is the same stuff, but it seems different. It's possible they are the same wood but some started getting spongy and lost some density...
This new stuff I picked up I'm worried could be poplar and don't know how much I should take. The other suspect is Ash. From what I was told, the main body divided into two big segments about 1/2 up, which doesn't sounds like poplar. The bark is deep furrowed, dark, separates easily. Don't have any small branches to check for opposing branching. I don't want to burn since it's so green. Any idea?
Picking it up it seems lighter than some other stuff she had laying in a well seasoned pile <1' dia each. The bark looks the same but it is very heavy, hard, dense, and difficult to split (stringy). Maybe Elm? I will ask her if that is the same stuff, but it seems different. It's possible they are the same wood but some started getting spongy and lost some density...
This new stuff I picked up I'm worried could be poplar and don't know how much I should take. The other suspect is Ash. From what I was told, the main body divided into two big segments about 1/2 up, which doesn't sounds like poplar. The bark is deep furrowed, dark, separates easily. Don't have any small branches to check for opposing branching. I don't want to burn since it's so green. Any idea?