EPA moves to cut pollution

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Burning Hunk
May 16, 2011
Tower, MN
Nice to see a little bit of PR for (broken link removed)...

(broken link removed to http://www.duluthnewstribune.com/event/article/id/287789/)

(broken link removed to http://www.duluthnewstribune.com/event/author/name/John_Myers/), Duluth News Tribune

The smell of wood smoke wafting on a cold winter’s night may be a hallmark of life in the Northland, but the federal government says it also may be a health hazard.

The Environmental Protection Agency on Friday moved to reduce pollution from new woodstoves, wood boilers and pellet stoves used for heating purposes starting in 2015.

The new nationwide rules would not affect fireplaces or wood burners already in people’s homes and businesses but would restrict the sale of new wood burners to those that emit about 80 percent less pollution than old models – namely particulate matter, carbon monoxide and organic compounds.

The new rules, in the works for more than two years, also do not apply to campground or backyard fire pits or wood-fired barbecues.

Particle pollution, or soot, is linked to a wide range of serious health effects, including heart attacks, strokes and asthma attacks. Several studies have linked wood smoke to premature death among people who suffer from heart and lung disease.

Many wood furnaces and stoves burn inefficiently, sending a lot of smoke, creosote and soot up the chimney. That particulate matter builds up to cause smog, sometimes in levels unhealthy to people in places like Denver, Albuquerque, N.M., and Fresno, Calif.

“Smoke from residential woodstoves and heaters is a significant source of harmful, fine-particle pollution in many areas of the country,” said Janet McCabe, acting assistant administrator for EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation. “Today’s proposed rule would make new stoves and heaters more efficient and about 80 percent cleaner starting in 2015.”

She said that by reducing air pollution associated with asthma attacks, heart attacks and strokes, the new rules will save Americans up to $2.4 billion a year in health care costs.

Indoor wood burning stoves and outdoor wood boilers are a popular method of heating in the Northland with the region’s abundant and inexpensive supply of firewood, especially in rural areas. A Minnesota Pollution Control Agency survey found state residents burned about 1.3 million cords of wood over the winter of 2011-2012 for heat and pleasure, double the amount of 10 years ago and the highest since the energy crisis of the late 1970s.

The survey found the highest level of wood burning in the northeastern region of the state

The U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates 11.5 million U.S. homes heat with wood. The EPA says about 85,700 wood-burning heating devices will be made and sold annually by 2015.

For wood stoves, the new rules would require a maximum of 4.5 grams per hour of pollution in 2015 and reducing that to 1.5 grams per hour by 2020.

Daryl Lamppa, president of Lamp Manufacturing stove works in Tower, has been making high efficiency wood burning stoves for years. His design already meets the new federal standards. In tests conducted by an EPA-certified independent lab in Wisconsin in 2011, his stoves produced less than 1 gram of particulates per hour - and in some tests as low as 0.45 grams.

“We’re already there. This is good news for us,’’ Lamppa told the News Tribune on Friday, who said the key to increasing pollutants is by vastly increasing efficiency – how well and how completely the wood burns. “But there are a lot of stoves on the market out there that are going to have to make some serious changes… or get out of the business.”

Lamppa said his plant is nearly two months behind in meeting orders for his patented Kuuma Vapor Fire indoor wood gasification furnaces. The federal government already has required a thermal efficiency rating of 75 or higher to qualify for the current federal energy tax credit for stoves. The Kuuma hit 84 percent. Lamppa’s stove, intended to replace an indoor furnace, has a fuel combustion efficiency rating between 98.1 and 99.4 percent.

Meanwhile, for outdoor wood boilers, also called hydronic heaters, emissions would be limited to 0.32 pounds per million Btu heat output, with a cap of 7.5 grams per hour starting in 2015 and then a limit of 0.06 pounds per million Btu by 2020.

While the new EPA rules do not apply to traditional indoor fireplaces, at least for now, the EPA has invited comments on whether new fireplaces should be included.

The EPA also is considering allowing until 2023 for the final restrictions to be in place, depending on public comments. The agency will take comments on the proposal now before it becomes final next year.

For more information on burning wood for heat, and the new wood burner regulations, go to epa.gov/burnwise.
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May have been some good PR but do you have concerns about the trends to further regulate wood heating? I wonder if an outright ban of burning wood is a foregone conclusion 20, 30, 40 years from now?

It's going to be interesting sitting around at camp when I'm retired explaining to my kids what camp fires were. "Back when I was your age, we used to do this thing where we'd roast a marshmallow over open fire, throw it on some crackers with chocolate and enjoy. Those were the days, son, those were the days".

I wonder when they will start work on banning forest fires. In 2012 wildfires consumed over 10,000,000 acres in the USA. I wonder how that relates to "acres consumed" by those of us heating with wood?
Take a serious look at what's presently going on. Government is in almost every aspect of your life with more on the front burner for 2014.
The only thing I would like to see would be required standardized testing for emissions and efficiency for anyone choosing to sell a wood burner. I would then like the information made public and let people make up their own minds on which one they want to buy. I see way to much false advertising from many of our competitors saying efficient this and clean burning that when in all actuality it's far from the truth. That's why we have always tried to be as open as possible and this even included us posting a PDF of our actual test results directly on our website. This is something that I haven't seen anyone else do!
Garrett Lamppa, I laud you and your company in being so open and in the forefront of not only making high quality, efficient wood burning appliances, but also being a leader in the industry. You are not too far from me (near Walker) and I want to stop by sometime, with advance notice, and visit your facility, if possible.

For all those opposed to "more" govt regulation, or govt being in more and more aspects of our lives, we only have ourselves to blame for our own irresponsible behavior in purchasing and the irresponsible behavior of businesses in making and selling wood burning appliances that pollute and poison living things. If all companies voluntarily made wood burning appliances up to high standards which already surpass the proposed new standards, as are those made by Lamppa MFG, Inc. and a number of other companies, and if consumers would refuse to buy substandard products, we would have no need for govt intervention. No one has a free ticket to injure others.
self policing and a free market have always done more and have been more successful than anything govt. has tried to regulate or control. Govt. has failed at almost every single sector its ever been involved in.
Fact and perfect example: No govt told Mr Lampa to build what he did, yet he and his product are still ahead of even the latest regulations. He built a product that has proven itself to work and lead his own market , by choice. If the market wants to keep up, they will follow his lead or go out of biz. This self regulating and the nature of free market control works everytime. and has since capitalism has been around. No one wants to pollute on purpose, but there are plenty that will burn junk just to go against govt rule. Stupid I know but , its a fact.
Less people would be burning , simply if the govt got their greedy hands out of the fuel industry. Fuel would be cheap and mother nature would take care of herself just like she always has. Tree huggers love trees so much they would rather see them burn to the ground , rather than allow fire lanes or thinning to be done. but we see who wins when idiots try to have their way by passing grave laws and regs. then Mother nature fixes it her way.
When govt, interference makes a product to expensive to buy, the market is forced to buy what they can afford. But hey who allowed nafta, gafta and whatever lobbyist idea was presented to our govt. politicians. The market or people didnt get a vote.

Id be willing to bet everything I have, that people burn far less than what forest fires do each year. Or how about emissions from just 1 volcano being 100 times more than all of the USA cars emissions.
We are trying to be clean, while china dont even try at all and we import alot of their toxic junk and materials. By the way my family owns a very large made in USA only toy store. We all know how nice that self made unregulated biz is doing. Just wish there were enough supply cause the market cant keep up with the demand last 7 years. Hows that global warming going and the carbon credts sales......Freedom......by choice
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Closed......not the place for every stripe of political opinions. Standards are here and every source of pollution is/was always regulated (since Nixon signed the clean air act and created the EPA) for the benefit of our air.

The gubment didn't decide to clamp down on wood smoke. "Free" citizens SUED the government for overlooking wood smoke and therefore hurting our air quality and health. That's the way government is supposed to work......if we each became our own government, we'd be more like Somalia.

As they say, no one likes to watch laws and sausage get made. But sometimes a bit of education is in order.
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