Enviro windsor wont light

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New Member
Jan 23, 2025
Hi all and thanks for having me. I purchased a house with an older 2002 windsor pellet stove, It worked good until it didn't. The convection fan stays on high when its plugged in (it didn't do that before) the auger doesn't turn (it did that before) and the ignitor doesn't do anything (I'm guessing that its not going that far into the cycle to ignite ) I disconnected the 160 temp switch (also bypassed it with a jumper) it is normally open as it should be. I bypassed the 200 temp switch and also tried to disconnect it is normally closed ...with no change. I put external power to the auger and it came on as it should I also powered the igniter and it seemed to get warm I didn't leave it connected very long. I tested and bypassed the exhaust temp switch along with the vacuum switch also with no change. again the convection blower stays on high (power on or off) the blower fan also works when powered on ( I disconnected the vac hose and it gave me a vacuum code ) .It has the dhc2000 controller any help would be appreciated before I buy a new controller Edit... The power light is flashing about 2 second intervals and the auger is 2 on 8 seconds off consistent.
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Sounds like you have covered what we would ask for. 👍 sounds like your board is corrupt/failed and a new one is needed. When you order a new one they are all the same board and come with instructions on a very simple programming. I would also recommend a surge protector to plug the stove into and protect the new control. We will be here to help 😎

I use this
Tripp lite
Sounds like you have covered what we would ask for. 👍 sounds like your board is corrupt/failed and a new one is needed. When you order a new one they are all the same board and come with instructions on a very simple programming. I would also recommend a surge protector to plug the stove into and protect the new control. We will be here to help 😎

I use this
Tripp lite
Any recommendations on where to find a board. You say they are all the same. Like all dhc2000 or all stove controllers ?
Jimmy just a suggestion try Friendly Fires in Ontario Canada
Their prices are lower than I have seen in the US and with such a low Canadian Dollar
and you paying in US dollars it is like getting a 25 % discount and they do ship to the US
All the new Enviro control boards are the same. Dhc2000 is long gone