Hi Kevin,
Please understand, I am not on the defensive, we just have a difference of opinion regarding whether I should get a new insert stove, which by the way was not my question.
Our Alaska stove does have an 8" outlet and we're planning to run an 8" full reline, block plate, etc. Now, as for finding a "new" stove for $500? I'm not sure where you live, but I doubt I could find a fireplace insert stove that I would be happy with for less than $2K. Believe me I've priced the new ones.
I understand your point of losing $500 later, but I might save $500 in heating oil during those 2 years, so maybe it wouldn't really be a $500 loss.
My original message did not say I wanted to replace my current insert stove. I'm quite happy with the current one I have. It was a possibility down the road, if the stove NEEDED to be replaced, (ie. not producing heat, something broken, stove cracked, etc.) The one point I guess that could be missing in this is if we do the reline of our current setup and it's done by code, works and we don't have any problem who's to say we HAVE to replace it in 2 years, it just might work for us for 5+ years. Again, I'm sure I'd be saving $$ on oil in the meantime by using the stove even though I'm using it minimally. I'm not trying to pollute, I'm trying to burn wood to save oil. I guess it's a catch 22.
Maybe it will help to know that the house is a ranch home so only 1 story, pretty easy access to the chimney. Probably only 16 ft or so, husband has the actual dimensions in his wallet. A local chimney sweep friend of a friend inspected it in addition to some of our contractor friends having all looked at our chimney, they all say the same thing that it's in excellent shape. We know the chimney is safe to use or we would FIX and/or REPLACE it.
As to human nature, I understand that the vast majority of people just leave things, but obviously that is not US since we've had the house for only 10 months and pulled the insert OUT as soon as we had a problem. I don't know maybe we should have pulled it out the day we settled? On this particular issue I'll grant you that I may be a little defensive, but I guess you couldn't possibly know all of the work that we have done on this house from converting from fuses to breakers, 100 amp to 200 amp, installing new water holding pressure tank, putting in new drainage pipes on the roads and driveways, etc., so it's quite possible that I might take offense at the thought of us just letting something go that should be taken care of.
At any rate, I understand that you want me to make sure my home is safe and I do appreciate that, but please know that so do WE.