So I bought a DuraVent cleanout tee for the back of stove and two 36 inch Selkirk pipes, and a Duravent ceiling adapter 3 to 6 inch to use existing ceiling woodstove chimney. Sold the Lopi woodstove cheap cause I don't wanna have to feed it wood all night, and let smoke in the house every time you open the door. Besides, it created too much heat and the pellet stove with 4 settings will be able to turn down, or off, at will. Also pellet stove, you press one button to start and in 7 minutes you got heat. Quick, simple, easy.
Learned that all these parts don't mate with each other in any compatible way. Told Amazon I wanna return the Selkirk pipes, they said "Toss them in the trash" and issued a refund!! I was about to go out and look for Duravent products that would complete the system, including two 36 inch pipes, two 90 degree elbows and also an adapter is needed to place the cleanout tee on the back of the stove. No one tells you all this. Not even a diagram in the stove manual says you need any adapter to place the cleanout tee on the stove. No one tells you that you need to stay with ALL ONE BRAND of stove pipe parts. I went all around town picking up parts, finding the lowest prices, thinking it was a universal thing. NO, it's like Chevy spark plugs in a Jeep. Everything is different.
Finally rather than spend over $400 on Duravent pipes and elbows and stove to tee adapter, I thought, Why don't I get Selkirk brand pieces that will go with the ones Amazon credited me for, since those were (now) free? I ordered two 36 inch piped, a stove to cleanout tee adapter, a cleanout tee, and a ceiling 3 to 6 inch adapter, all for about $215, all Selkirk to hopefully mate with the two Selkirk pipes I have. I can sell the Duravent cleanout tee that I have, and return the Duravent 3 to 6 inch adapter when that arrives. My friend Steve said, "When you get your pellet stove I will install it for you, I've done these at three of my homes, it will take ten minutes". It's been two weeks since I got my stove and I still can't use it, and now a week at least before all the right stuff gets here, Steve's version of "Ill install it" is asking questions via text and offering advice about a week late. Steve said, "Don't buy a kit", so I went all over collecting pieces. A kit would have been better since all the parts would be compatible. Prices on pipes, tees, etc., vary wildly wherever you go!! You can pay $59 for a tee or $159 elsewhere for the same piece. It is CRAZY out there. You can go to a store asking for pellet stove pipes and they'll say thay don't have any, then browsing around you come upon a whole aisle FILLED with pellet stove pipes and parts


Thanks Steve for all your help. I've learned everything the hard way, but who cares. This thing will be working by November 4th I think. LoL
Wish me luck!
Get a carbon monoxide detector FIRST (It is brand new and on the wall already.
Get all one same brand vent system pipes and pieces
Cleanout tee needs an adapter to fit on back of stove (Why!!)
Don't believe anyone who says they will help
Measure six times and it will still be wrong
I got 3M Fire Barrier silicone sealant rated at 1000 Degrees and will use it on every single joint
GOOD LUCK to me!!