My firm produces from 2000 to 2500 tons per year of DRY (kiln dried) hardwood sawdust. We are exploring the possibilities of putting in compression equipment to manufacture either pucks or bricks. I believe the pucks would go more for boilers and larger industrial users for boiler type applications. I think the bricks are used more for wood stoves and retail uses.
Can anyone give me advice as to what is being consumed? Is there a good demand for these types of fuels? Can anyone help with current market pricing? Does anyone know of a firm or firms who may be interested in an arrangement to help us get the project off the ground in return for less expensive fuel?
Can anyone give me advice as to what is being consumed? Is there a good demand for these types of fuels? Can anyone help with current market pricing? Does anyone know of a firm or firms who may be interested in an arrangement to help us get the project off the ground in return for less expensive fuel?