Still in my browsers history, here's a copy of it...
"firewood firewood firewood firewood (your backyard mich)
green tree 7,425 pounds,,,do it wrong,,, bugs in trunk,,,, bad gust of wind,,,,, rope breaks,,,,, bad twist,,, felling tree could cause injury or death ,, iv had some close calls trees are funny sometimes,,, iv been lucky so far knock on wood lol,,,,,,if your going to do it you need a couple of good saws ,chains, tools,tools to sharpen, $1,500,,,,,,,,ropes, cables,blocks,ladders,climbing spikes,,,hard hat,chaps,ear and eye protection,,,$1,000,,,,,, log splitter $2,500,,,,,,tractor $40,000,,,,,,you want it delivered correct ? truck $32,500,,,,,you need a place for it to season for a year,,,,, gas, diesel,oil per tree $75,,,,,, time,,,,,, rig tree, fell tree 2hr,,,, 34 inch trunck X 111 feet long cut into 16 in lengths oak (you want oak correct ? its hard and heavy ) 18 hours,,,, split and stack 42 hours,,,, season 1 year,,,, load truck take it to your house 1.5 hour (your not going to stack this for me? "do you have a rack?" no) 20 min.,,,,,,,,, so if your going to heat your home with wood dont whine about the price of firewood,,, do this plant some acorns (ill give you some) buy an axe $25
a splitting maul $20 and a sledge hammer $20 you will be warm and happy in no time,,,,,, or come over to my place cut and split and then tell me im asking too much,,,, i use to give away my scraps,,, i dont anymore i
could not believe what people would say and the no shows,,,, only one man was worth his salt,,,, the state is full of fallen trees go get them they are free its your backyard Michigan,,,, buy some tools and go to work
didnt the salesman tell you wood stoves are dirty and a lot of work and when you burn everything in your backyard you will have to get it elsewhere,,,, remember plant a tree and your childrens children will be the ones that burn it for heat
signed ill be warm this winter i thought ahead"