We had some power failures last night from the ice storm. The first power failure, the stove was just starting up and the blower came on when the power went out. We pulled the surge protector from the outlet. The power came back on, and we continued to have some brown outs for a hour or so after, we left the stove unplugged. Turned it on after a few hours when it seemed "safe" and it ran fine for acouple hours. Woke up at midnite to find all the stove's control panel buttons blinking on and off, glass was real sooty and stove seemed to be shutting down, however no error codes. Just panel going crazy. I unplugged the surge protector again and had to turn the furnace on for the night. I cleaned the stove out the AM and now going to run the stove during the day to see what happens.
Is this a normal thing to happen when you don't shut the stove down properly? It ran fine for a few hours before this happened?
Is this a normal thing to happen when you don't shut the stove down properly? It ran fine for a few hours before this happened?