Cleaner glass

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Burning Hunk
Aug 7, 2022
I admit, I’ve been somewhat critical on the ability to keep the glass on my stove clean. Numerous BK users are in agreement that’s just the nature of the beast, it may be. However, lately in my woodshed I hit a spot with a lot of Ash vs the red oak which is about 80% of my woods. I almost immediately noticed a difference in front glass as a result. In fact I’ve been burning ash almost exclusively for the past 3 weeks and my front window is relatively clean with a few spots on the sides. Ash also burns differently from red oak, it’s a smoother fire that coals up more than oak. And requires a bit more air towards the end of the burn cycle due to the coals. Just my observation I thought I’d pass along to anyone who struggles with a dirty window.
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I had nice and clean window.a few weeks in January. That cold stretch .

Then one burn at 37 F and it's back to seeing only through the middle third.

I don't care; I'm happy that my heating appliance heats my home without overheating when it's warmer outside.