Well I just had my first small chimney fire! I loaded the stove to the fullest that was hot from all day burning. It was burning OK and I thought i should open the air alittle more-just very little. That was it ! I was watching the temp on the stove pipe and then it was up to 1000 with the air damper closed all the way, then I shut the flue damper all the way still up to 1300 and rising. The black double wall started to smoke. Wife was calling FD I was opening windows and a had box fan blow on the pipe & stove. Kids went outside along with mother-in law.Pipe went up to 1600 and then down real fast. only a couple of sparks out side that I could see. Temps where down to 600-800 by the time FD was here.I cleaned the chimney about 2- 3 weeks ago. Fd was here in about 3-5 mins mix-up on where we live. We live in one town and have another mailing address. FD checked everything out, they went up in attic nothing wrong up there. They ask who did the install and it was me. The only thing they could see wrong was, I filled the stove up all the way.
So now that everything it is ok, And I know it has been discussed here before. How do you stop the air flow to these new stoves? I was very clam when this was going on but d*mn I have the shakes now. I could not stop all the air flow that I think was needed.
So now that everything it is ok, And I know it has been discussed here before. How do you stop the air flow to these new stoves? I was very clam when this was going on but d*mn I have the shakes now. I could not stop all the air flow that I think was needed.