Like to thank all that replied to previous message for the info. Seems the problem was with the combustion blower although it worked fine I noticed a brownish tinge to the wraping around the motor seems the breckwell motor is different then the ones on the whitfields. but looks much like the augur motor. So when I turned the stove up for more heat #3 setting it gave off a chemical smell. After isolating the smell to that area I took a chance and got a new blower with the warrenty 30% off ( which I thought they should give me being that this is the second season) Installed it and that seemed to solve that problem. And by the way my son in law bought one same time the #23 insert by Breckwell at the same time and now we have to get a convection fan for his shut down last night on him with a terrible smell. Not to happy with the product at this time seems to me things should last more then 7 months of use.. like I said thanks again.