![[Hearth.com] Cawley Lemay 600 [Hearth.com] Cawley Lemay 600](/talk/proxy.php?image=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.redditstatic.com%2Favatars%2Fdefaults%2Fv2%2Favatar_default_1.png&hash=4fee1654507e37f49ce0b2f7a6ef4929)
•5h ago•
Hi to All,
I am installing a Cawley Lemay 600 wood stove. A few facts:
- The install will be through wall with outside chimney.
- The Flue Collar is 6 inches, page 13 of manual
- The Manual states masonry new chimney should be 8x8, but below that it talks about new fabricated chimneys and to install those to manufactures specs: Page 19: “CHIMNEYS NEW CHIMNEYS The warmer the chimney, the better the draft and the less likely the condensation of creosote. Therefore, a new chimney should, fi possible, be located inside the house and not on an exterior wall, where its warmth would be lost to the outside. A new chimney should be constructed according to local building codes. AClass "A" single flue should incorporate no more than one heating appliance, minimum 8x8flue liner. The cost of adding additional flues for future use is minimal when building a new chimney.
FABRICATED CHIMNEYS T h e r e are a number of excellent fabricated chimneys available which are considerably less expensive than new masonry chimneys. These chimneys should be installed according to manufacturers’ instructions. It is of the utmost importance to maintain the recommended clearances between the chimney and any combustible surfaces. Chimney construction and structural alterations in your house are beyond the scope of this handbook. We strongly advise obtaining more information.”
- I shall be installing ICC EXCEL flue pipe and Chimney pipe
2- May I/ should I use the Excel 6 inch flue AND The 6 inch chimney pipe OR the 8 inch chimney pipe?
3- If I should use the Excel 8 inch chimney pipe, where do I make the change: at the 6 inch flue collar OR at the through wall 8 inch tee?
4- Assuming the 3/2/10 rule, is there a height minimum for the outside chimney?
5- What would be the preferred chimney height regarding draw?
Thank you!
Ps: I have been lead down this rabbit hole due to research that is all over the proverbial map:
- 8 inch will add more draw Vs 8 inch will decrease draw due to more air volume;
- 8 inch will add more creosote as more space to keep warm
- Due to heat output of the Cawley Lemay 600, an 8 Inch chimney pipe is needed!
Thank to you all who partake in this endeavor by responding!