I have a Quadra-Fire Castile pellet stove bought in 2019. I was considering replacing the tadpole gasket on the door. The inside of the door was beginning to get a black sooty build up fairly quickly at the end of the season last year. Doing the dollar bill test, the bill pulls out pretty easily on both sides of the door when it's closed (it's pretty tight along the top). I'm not exactly sure how to remove the glass panel from the door to replace the tadpole gasket. The videos I come across online show a rod on either side of the door that has to be removed so the glass panel can be removed. My door does not have any rods to be found. There are interior trim pieces on the sides and top (shown with red arrows in attached picture). I'm not sure how these are secured in place. There are also screw threads that stick out on the front of the door (shown circled in red in attached picture). So there are screws securing something, but you need to remove the gasket to get access to them. Is anyone familiar with this stove and how to replace the tadpole gasket? Thank you for your help.