Hey all,
Just a curious question on my wall behind my stove. My hearth has 3 walls behind it, the left and right walls have 4x8 brick with some type of cement looking board backing from back in the early 80's where as the center wall just has 4x8 brick stacked up with a hollow back behind it. The left side and back side of the stove all meet the minimal clearances to the wall. The right hand side of the stove is within clearance if you would measure back to the cement board behind the brick otherwise to the face of the brick itself its maybe an inch or two below the minimal clearance. I put my IR gun in the spot i circled in yellow in the pic, that area will get up to around 135 degrees on the face of the brick. All other areas of the wall dont get to that temp, maybe 100 or 110 here and there. Would you consider that a concern at all and put a shield there or is that something not worth a worry at that temp? Thanks
Just a curious question on my wall behind my stove. My hearth has 3 walls behind it, the left and right walls have 4x8 brick with some type of cement looking board backing from back in the early 80's where as the center wall just has 4x8 brick stacked up with a hollow back behind it. The left side and back side of the stove all meet the minimal clearances to the wall. The right hand side of the stove is within clearance if you would measure back to the cement board behind the brick otherwise to the face of the brick itself its maybe an inch or two below the minimal clearance. I put my IR gun in the spot i circled in yellow in the pic, that area will get up to around 135 degrees on the face of the brick. All other areas of the wall dont get to that temp, maybe 100 or 110 here and there. Would you consider that a concern at all and put a shield there or is that something not worth a worry at that temp? Thanks