I had posted a message regarding the 2nd failure of the control board on my Breckwell P2000FS. You can read about it here.
Just wanted to give an update. William (Breckwell Tech Department) phoned me yesterday. We went through my trouble shooting process and agreed it was a board failure. Breckwell is sending me a new control board. I will say when I actually speak with the service department they are extremely helpfull. I am still concerned over the longevity of these boards, but I beleive Breckwell is doing all they can to support the product at this point. They do not consider the board failure last spring as a failure, as this board was part of a bad batch of boards they recieved from the board supplier. They stated that they have less than 3% board failure rate, and most of these failures will occur within ninety days of service. Which is approximatly the amount of service time on this board. Furthermore they stated if a board does not fail within the first year, it most likely will not fail due to component deffects within the control board.
Just wanted to give a public Thank-You to Breckwell for supporting the product.
Just wanted to give an update. William (Breckwell Tech Department) phoned me yesterday. We went through my trouble shooting process and agreed it was a board failure. Breckwell is sending me a new control board. I will say when I actually speak with the service department they are extremely helpfull. I am still concerned over the longevity of these boards, but I beleive Breckwell is doing all they can to support the product at this point. They do not consider the board failure last spring as a failure, as this board was part of a bad batch of boards they recieved from the board supplier. They stated that they have less than 3% board failure rate, and most of these failures will occur within ninety days of service. Which is approximatly the amount of service time on this board. Furthermore they stated if a board does not fail within the first year, it most likely will not fail due to component deffects within the control board.
Just wanted to give a public Thank-You to Breckwell for supporting the product.