Alright my backhoe guy fell through so It was old school grunt work to remove the Tarm from the basement and install the EKO 60 We used a truck,some straps, a comealong,floor jacks,and lots of lumber..The EKO was delivered on 2"x12"x5' the only problem was I did not have enough head clearence to fit the EKO and the lumber under it..So improvisions were made but in all a rewarding adventure, although my cell phone did not finish it as it got rolled over by one of the pipes.. Here's some pics not in any order but EKO at the top of the basement stairs..EKO on it's way down..I call the next one EKO from the heavens..The head room issue is shown in one and the chewed up lookin stuff on top is the door caseing after 30 years of supplying wood to the Tarm..I used 2"pipes on plywood to roll the Tarm and EKO on top of..I left the Tarm in the basement incase the EKO did not slide good enough on the plywood It was not needed..The last pic shows the Tarm on it's way out..Any and all comments welcome I have more pics if anybody is interested PM me..